TosA designs coral jewelry collections for those in search of worldly treasures.
Having direct access to master craftsmen and Japan's rarest gemstone, Ox-Blood Coral,
TosA inspires new opportunities for beauty in the deepest sense.
641-9 Fukuicho, Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture, JAPAN 780-0965
- Tel :
- +81 (0)80・3168・9711 (English)
+81 (0)88・871・6300 (Japanese)
- Fax :
- +81 (0)88・871・6301
〒780-0965 高知県高知市福井町641-9
- Tel :
- 088・871・6300
- Fax :
- 088・871・6301
Arrange an appointment →
Facebook : www.facebook.com/tosacoral